About Us

At BookReadingTime.org, we are dedicated to enhancing the reading experience for book lovers everywhere. Our platform provides accurate book reading times, allowing users to estimate how long it will take to complete any book in our extensive database. In addition, we give users the flexibility to enter their own reading speed, ensuring a personalized reading time estimate tailored to their pace.

Our book database offers a wealth of information, including word counts, audiobook durations, publication years, and the number of pages. Whether you’re a casual reader or an avid bookworm, our tools help you plan your reading journey with precision. We aim to empower readers by making it easier to manage their reading time, explore new titles, and stay motivated on their literary adventures.

From the Founder

I believe that every reader deserves the tools to manage their reading time effectively and explore new adventures within the pages of a book. Whether you’re a casual reader or a dedicated bibliophile, I hope you find our platform helpful and inspiring as you embark on your next literary adventure.

Happy reading!

— Travis Ernest (Founder, Bookreadingtime.org)